About this newsletter
The Engineering Manager is written by James Stanier as a collection of thoughts, stories, and resources on the subject of engineering management.
It is intended to inform and entertain, providing hands-on tutorials for new managers, along with occasional book reviews, interviews, and articles that explore both the art and science of being an effective manager.
Years ago, when first becoming a manager in a technology company, James found the lack of resources alarming: how should he be doing his job? How will he know that he is succeeding? Just what exactly is a manager meant to be doing all day? That spawned the site, which in turn spawned the books.
This newsletter exists to serve the engineering community: from those that are managers or are wanting to become one, through to those just interested in the profession. We hope that it can have a positive impact on the day to day lives of the millions of engineers worldwide.
Say hello
I’m fairly active on X if you want to say hello. Else, you can reach me by email on hello at theengineeringmanager.com
Supporting this newsletter
The best way to support me is to grab a copy of one of my books. Failing that, share some articles that you like with your friends and colleagues.