Upcoming December talks
In a startling failure to not overload myself with extra-curricular work, I will be speaking at three conferences in the space of a week in December!
Gotta keep life exciting, eh? Here's what's coming up:
CTO Craft Con, 1st December. Here I'll be giving a talk called "Engineer Onboarding: A Whirlwind Tour". I'll be digging into how onboarding has changed in 2020, and how we can get better at technical, managerial and cultural elements of onboarding.
Stretch Conference, 2nd December. This talk is titled "The Spectrum of Synchronousness", which will highlight the numerous skills, tips and tricks that we all need to harness in order to communicate effectively at work. We'll explore the continuum of asynchronous to synchronous communication and see how it relates to permanence and impermanence. There will be plenty to take away and implement at your workplace.
CintheC, 8th December. This conference consists of speakers from my publisher, The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Here my talk will be titled "Mastering distributed communication: theory, tips and tricks to make you more effective". I'll focus on the shift that we've experienced in the pandemic workplace in 2020, and how being thrown in the deep end may have just made us all better swimmers for the long term.
It would be great to see you at any of these conferences. I'm joined by a whole host of excellent speakers and panelists that I am honored to be presenting aside.
Right, I'd better get back to preparing the slides...